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09 May 2023
You probably wanted to be a lash artist for ALL the fantastic reasons like freedom, flexibility, making people feel beautiful, and the opportunity to be an entrepreneur! As inspiring and empowering as it is to be a lash artist, there are a few things that feel super cringe and make you want to crawl under a rock and hide! Things like no-show clients, unrealistic client expectations, less-than-great client interactions, and many other nuanced situations leave you feeling lost. As your tried and true study buddy and trusted fellow lash nerd, we will give you the skinny on the policies, procedures, and protocols that will protect your small business and give you valuable peace of mind! We are here to empower you to set boundaries that support you. Let's dig in!
Cancellation Policy
One important policy to have in place is a cancellation policy. It seems like a no-brainer BUT believe it or not, this one is something we've all struggled with at some point. Sometimes clients have emergencies and excuses that make you feel like you're in the wrong for having a structured cancellation policy. Enforcing a cancellation policy means charging a client for any appointment they cancel or ask to reschedule with less than a specific time frame of notice.
This can look like:
This policy should clearly outline the conditions under which clients can cancel their appointments and whether they'll be able to receive a refund. You can include a time frame for clients to cancel their appointments if they cannot make it. Typically we suggest a 24-hour cancellation policy which means that they are to contact you within 24 hours before their appointment to let you know they will need to reschedule or cancel. Doing so allows you ample time to fill that time slot by offering it to another client. With less than 24 hours notice, running your schedule efficiently and offering your clients the highest level of customer service can be challenging.
Your cancellation policy can include a charge for any appointment canceled or rescheduled with less than the required notice time frame. Typically lash artists will charge anywhere from 50% to 100% of the value of the appointment booked. Feel free to clarify this policy to new and existing clients.
Late Arrival Policy
Similar to the cancellation policy, Having a late arrival policy is also really important to the success of your business. Starting your appointments late probably gives you anxiety and can cause you to run late for your following appointments. Communicate with your clients the importance of Being on time. A late arrival policy can mean after a certain amount of time, their appointment will be rescheduled, and in this scenario, the cancellation policy rules could also apply.
An example would be a client arriving 20 to 25 minutes late, leaving only 40 minutes remaining to their booked appointment time. In this case, you would explain to the client; unfortunately, you cannot accommodate their appointment due to their late arrival. A 50% service charge applies, and you can look at your schedule to see when you can rebook them.
If clients are consistently late, this indicates that they may not be the best fit for your business if you value starting appointments on time. Being honest about what's important to you and your business with your clients is the key to success. You want to work with clients that respect your business and what it takes to offer the best possible service.
Refund Policy
Having a clear refund policy is very important, especially for new clients. This policy should be clearly stated in your new client paperwork and in your appointment confirmation emails. Your refund policy will note in what circumstances a refund would apply to a service or product. Your refund policy can literally state that under no circumstances are refunds given. A common scenario to address, especially for new clients, would be in the case of a potential allergic reaction. This refund policy could explain that in case of an allergic reaction, no refund or a specific percentage refund would apply.
Make sure that clients are initially signing in the client paperwork that they are fully aware of and acknowledge your refund policies. If a client requested a refund, you would say, "Per my policies, it's clearly stated that no refunds apply to services under any circumstance."
Remember that this is just an example; use your best judgment on a case-by-case basis regarding the best policy for you and your business.
Health and Safety Policy
As a lash artist or service provider, you must have a health and safety policy to protect you and your clients. This policy should outline the safety measures you're putting in place to ensure you maintain a clean and sanitary environment.
Your health and safety policy can include using disposable applicators, sterilizing your tools between clients, and following proper hand hygiene protocols, product safety, and state sanitation guidelines.
This policy should be clear in your new client paperwork. This can protect you in case of any health or safety issues arise that would be outside of the scope of your responsibility as a lash professional. This can also include policies such as:
A release of liability policy should be included in the health and safety section of your policies. This will protect you against claims that may arise from a client's experience or health condition. Liability policy is designed to waive any legal right or claim that a client may have against you for any injuries or damages that may occur during or after the lash service. By signing the release of liability policy, clients acknowledge that they are aware of the risks associated with the service and that they are assuming personal responsibility for any adverse effects that they may experience.
Guest Policy
Another policy to communicate is your guest policy. Believe it or not, clients may assume guests, such as partners or even their children, are welcome to attend their appointments. Your guest policy needs to state if guests are welcome and, if they are not welcome, how that will impact their appointment. For example, if a client were to show up with a child to their appointment, you could kindly remind them of your guest policy and offer to reschedule their appointment. You could also choose to accommodate their appointment and make it clear that you would be unable to accommodate them in the future.
Most salons and lash artists don't allow guests to enter the treatment area. If you're in a suite or treatment room, it can be uncomfortable for a guest to be in the space. And children, regardless of age, can also be a safety liability in a professional Salon environment.
Privacy Policy
As a lash artist, you will likely collect personal information from your clients. This includes their name, contact information, and credit card details. To protect your client's personal information, it's essential to have a privacy policy in place.
Your privacy policy should disclose the type of information you collect, why, and how you use it. It would be best to mention how you'll protect your client's personal information, whether you'll share their information with third parties, and what measures you have in place to prevent unauthorized access to their information.
Your privacy policy addresses photos or videos of your clients and your intended use of such material. This is important to include in the consent section of your new client paperwork. Using a client's Photos or videos for marketing or educational purposes must be made clear to your client beforehand. It's advised you allow your client to consent or decline the use of their content. Honesty is the best policy!
Aftercare Guidelines
Your Aftercare policy communicates the importance of proper care of their lash extensions And how it supports a successful and healthy lash extension experience. It should include how to wash their lashes, what to avoid while wearing lash extensions, and your requirements to qualify for a lash fill or touch up.
A typical example is:
A client wears a lot of heavy eye makeup even after going over Aftercare with you. This then builds up on their lash line, and when they arrive for a fill, it's challenging for you to clean and leaves little to no remaining lash extensions. You would then explain how the excessive makeup buildup will impact their service. Reminding them of your aftercare policy enforces accountability and supports your efforts to provide the highest quality service and experience!
Beyond the art and creativity of lash extensions is a world of business that you’ll find yourself navigating! Don’t forget success goes far beyond happy clients, it’s about building a sustainable, longevity-focused lash business. You have limitless potential with endless opportunities, set yourself up for success with all the policies and boundaries you need to protect your peace and optimize your growth!
24 September 2024
24 September 2024
24 September 2024
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